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      Scenery complementary controller market analysis

           Although the scenery complementary controller is still only a small share in global controller market. Scenery complementary controller and distributed maximum power point tracking (MPPT) solution as the emerging field of photovoltaic inverter market, is expected to surge, from 2015 to 2020, average annual compound growth rate could reach 77%. Output is expected to more than the existing inverters. American iSuppli, the original controller output is 1.3 million ~ 1.3 million, 2014 and scenery complementary controller and solar controller combined output will reach about 8 million m in 2014. Currently in the us have risk, and enterprise development of scenery complementary controller and solar controller.

          IR AlbertoGuerra forecast, in the next few years, solar energy engineering market annual growth rate will reach 20% to 30%. Accordingly, the price of the solar inverter also drops. As a result of the inverter cost 15% to 20% of the cost of the whole solar system, because there is a big market demand and price support.

      Chinese government budget of 1.27 billion yuan, the controller subsidies to the domestic photovoltaic building application demonstration projects, a total of 114, total is 96 mw and demonstration project in China's 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and points to a good industrial foundation, sunshine resource-rich provinces such as jiangsu, zhejiang, Inner Mongolia, henan, the key guide photovoltaic building integrated development, inverter valued point support the photovoltaic products of advanced technology popularization and application.

          To encourage the development of renewable energy, the Chinese government launched in January this year "about accelerating the implementation of solar photovoltaic building application opinion", "solar photovoltaic building application fiscal subsidy funds management interim measures" (hereinafter referred to as "the roof plan"), and subsidies for building solar energy product solar roof plan. After "roof plan" introduced five months later, China's ministry of finance, ministry of science and technology, national energy bureau jointly issued the notice about the implementation of demonstration projects of the golden sun, plan within 2 to 4 years, the government subsidy is not lower than 800 megawatts of photovoltaic power generation demonstration project, speed up the industrialization and large-scale development of China's domestic photovoltaic power generation.

           Shenzhen century billion, electric power equipment co., LTD. (www.yihukeji.com) marketing manager Yao Pengfei thinks, market prospects, scenery complementary controller still depends on how the development of photovoltaic industry, state for how the policy of the photovoltaic industry. Although we can't be biased, controller prospects uncertain, but the overall is good, the future is good, just take decades to verify.

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      Add:7th floor,Building 6,Zhongyuntai Industrial Park,Tangtou Road,Shiyan Street,Baoan District,Shenzhen,China.
      Links: Wind Controller    Inverter    AC and DC power distribution cabinet    Emergency backup power    