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      ADD:7th floor,Building 6,Zhongyuntai Industrial Park,Tangtou Road,Shiyan Street,Baoan District,Shenzhen,China.
      TEL:+86 0755-83413846 83428873
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      Solar pumping inverter Home  -  Products  -  Solar pumping inverter
      Photovoltaic pumping unit 220 v
      Categories:Solar pumping inverter
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      Under:Photovoltaic pumping 380 v
      • Main features
      • Product Description
      • Technical parameters

      ●Low is suitable for the use of three-phase asynchronous motor pump;

      ●Low dynamic VI maximum power point tracking algorithm, fast response speed, good stability, the MPPT efficiency 99%;

      ●Fully automatic operation, can be freely according to the practical system of water pump speed range, operation data storage 8 years;

      ●Intelligent power module is used in the main circuit, high reliability, inverter highest conversion efficiency of 98%;

      ●Intelligent recognition input voltage range, stable operation without manually adjusting parameters such as open circuit voltage;

      ●Have complete motor protection function, optional upper and lower water level monitoring and control circuit, to prevent overflow and the dry;

      ●All aluminum alloy shell, protection grade IP52, using the environment temperature: - 10 ~ + 50 ℃;

      ●Allow input voltage range wide, 150 ~ 450 VDC.

      Photovoltaic pumping inverter for the running system control and adjustment, the direct current into alternating current (ac) coming from the solar array, drive pumps, according to the changes of the intensity of sunlight in real time to adjust output frequency, to achieve maximum power point tracking (MPPT).

      Photovoltaic pumping PF series inverter built-in booster circuit, allows the configuration of the input voltage to 150 ~ 450 VDC. This allows the characteristics of wide input voltage range can make the system component selection is more freedom, lower installation costs. At the same time, also can decrease the cost of the installation of the system.

      Photovoltaic pumping inverter for the running system control and adjustment, the direct current into alternating current (ac) coming from the solar array, drive pumps, according to the changes of the intensity of sunlight in real time to adjust output frequency, to achieve maximum power point tracking (MPPT).

      Photovoltaic pumping PF series inverter built-in booster circuit, allows the configuration of the input voltage to 150 ~ 450 VDC. This allows the characteristics of wide input voltage range can make the system component selection is more freedom, lower installation costs. At the same time, also can decrease the cost of the installation of the system.

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      Add:7th floor,Building 6,Zhongyuntai Industrial Park,Tangtou Road,Shiyan Street,Baoan District,Shenzhen,China.
      Links: Wind Controller    Inverter    AC and DC power distribution cabinet    Emergency backup power    